长江学者特聘教授,博士生导师 研究方向:乳腺癌和分子影像学 所在系部:医学院 办公电话:0592-2889988 邮 箱:gjzhang@xah.xmu.edu.cn 课题组网页:https://fbc.xmu.edu.cn/index.htm |
张教授致力于乳腺癌基础和临床研究30余年,在乳腺癌发生发展与转移机制、精准外科手术导航等方面取得诸多创新性成果,在Nature Protocols, Nature Medicine, Nature communications 等国际知名学术期刊上发表超百篇论文。主要研究方向有:
1995.04~1999.03 日本国福岛县立医科大学普通外科学,外科学博士
1990.09~1995.12 中国医科大学专业普通外科学,医学博士
1981.09~1987.07 中国医科大学日语医学专业,医学学士
2017~至今 厦门大学附属翔安医院,执行院长;肿瘤诊治中心 主任;乳腺甲状腺外科,主任;福建省乳腺癌精准诊治重点实验室和厦门市内分泌肿瘤诊治重点实验室首任主任
2008~2017 汕头大学医学院附属肿瘤医院,院长;乳腺中心,主任;广东省乳腺癌诊治研究重点实验室首任主任
2005~2008 美国Merck & Co.公司Merck研究实验室,高级科学家;
1999~2004 美国Harvard Medical School Dana-Farber癌症研究所, Howard Hughes医学研究所,博士后研究员;
1993~1995 日本国立癌症中心,研修;
1987~1993 中国医科大学附属第一医院普外三科,历任住院医师、主治医师、讲师
1. Zhang GJ*, Safran M, Wei W, Sorensen E, Lassota P, Shapiro G, Zhelev N, Kaelin Jr WG. Bioluminescent imaging of CDK2 inhibition in vivo. Nature Medicine, 2004, 10(6): 643-8.
2. Zhang GJ*, Chen TB, Hargreaves R, Sur C, Williams Jr DL. Bioluminescence imaging of hollow fibers in living animals: its application in monitoring molecular pathways. Nature Protocols, 2008, 3(5): 891-9.
3. Yang RQ*, Wang PY*, Lou KL, Dang YY, Tian HN, Li Y, Gao YY, Huang WH, Zhang YQ, Liu XL#, Zhang GJ#. Biodegradable Nanoprobe for NIR-II Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery and Enhanced Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Efficacy. Advance Science. 2022 Apr;9(12): e2104728.
4. Liu JJ*, Wang Z*, Nie LM, Zhu YY, Li G, Lin LL, Chen M#, Zhang GJ##. RGD-functionalised melanin nanoparticles for intraoperative photoacoustic imaging-guided breast cancer surgery. European Journal Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging.2022 Feb;49(3):847-860.
5. Guo CP, Guo YX, Liu JJ, Gao YY, Wei M, Zhao RJ, Chen M, Zhang GJ##. The G1 phase optical reporter serves as a sensor of CDK4/6 inhibition in vivo. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2021; 17(3): 728-41.
6. Yang RQ, Lou KL, Wang PY, Gao YY, Zhang YQ, Chen M, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Surgical Navigation for Malignancies Guided by Near-Infrared-II Fluorescence Imaging. Small Methods, 2021, 2001066.
7. Liang YK, Lin HY, Dou XW, Chen M,Wei XL, Zhang YQ, Wu Y, Chen CF, Bai JW, Xiao YS, Qi YZ, Kruyt FAE, Zhang GJ#. MiR-221/222 promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting Notch3 in breast cancer cell lines. NPJ Breast Cancer, 2018, 4: 20(Article number).
8. Koller M, Qiu SQ, Linssen MD, Jansen L, Kelder W, de Vries J, Kruithof I, Zhang GJ, Robinson DJ, Nagengast WB et al. Implementation and benchmarking of a novel analytical framework to clinically evaluate tumor-specific fluorescent tracers. Nature communications 2018, 9(1):3739.
9. He KS*, Chi CW*, Kou DQ*, Huang WH, Wu JD, Wang YB, He LF, Ye JZ, Mao YM, Zhang GJ##, Wang JD, Tian J. Comparison between the indocyanine green fluorescence and blue dye methods for sentinel lymph node biopsy using novel fluorescence image-guided resection equipment in different types of hospitals. Translational Research, 2016, 178: 74-80.
10. Zhang GJ*, Kimijima I, Fukushima T, Sato H, Kanno M, Tsuchiya A, Abe R. Tamoxifen-induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells relates to down-regulation of bcl-2, but not bax and bcl-XL, without alteration of p53 protein levels. Clinical Cancer Research, 1999, 5(10): 2971-7.
1. 张国君;李卫斌;陈敏;王连生;陈云超;徐辉雄;基于超声医学的乳腺结节检测方法及系统,2022-05-10,中国,ZL202010924386.0
2. 张国君:王尊;陈敏;聂立铭:黄珊珊:李宏辉;一种用于引导肿瘤切除的光声成像手术导航平台,2022-02-11,中国,ZL202010645805.7
3. 张国君;陈敏;欧阳檐秀;冯军;hTERT-miR-221/222海绵及其在逆转乳腺癌的他莫昔芬耐药中的应用,2021-03-19,中国,ZL201910364686.5
4. 张国君:赵瑞君:陈志鸿;细胞周期S期报告基因,2014-01-08,中国,ZL201110075260.1
1. 《癌症分子治疗学》(第三章:癌症遗传学与药靶选择),人民卫生出版社,2004. 编者.
2. 《乳腺癌》译作,人民卫生出版社,2011.主译.
3. 《Oncology(英文版)》,“十三五”规划教材,人民卫生出版社,2018. 副主编.
4. 《肿瘤学(第五版)》,“十三五”研究生规划教材,人民卫生出版社,2020. 编委.
5. 《临床分子影像检测技术》,人民卫生出版社,2019. 编委.
6. 《腹膜后肿瘤三维可视化精准诊治专家共识(2018版)》. 中国实用外科杂志. 2018.12. 参编.
7. 《计算机辅助联合吲哚菁绿分子荧光影像技术在肝脏肿瘤诊断和手术导航中的应用专家共识》. 中国实用外科杂志. 2017.05.18. 参编.
8. 《肿瘤学》,“十一五”研究生规划教材,人民卫生出版社,2010.编者.
9. Zhang GJ, Kaelin WG Jr. Cancer Genetisc and Grug Target Selection. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (Editor: Prendergast GC), Strategies for Drug Discovery and Development, 2004, P42-51. (ISSN: 1535-7163)
10. Bednar B, Zhang GJ, Sur C, “Anticancer Drug Development with Optical Imaging” in “Molecular Imaging in Oncology”(Editors: Martin Pomper & Juri Gelovani), Informa Healthcare, New York, 2008, p645-58.
1. 国家自然科学基金重大国际(地区)合作研究项目,81320108015,2014-01至2018-12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划(培育项目),91859120,2019-01至2021-12,主持
3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划,2011CB707700,2011-01至2015-12,子课题五负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32171363,2022-01至2025-12,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31271068,2013-01至2016-12,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30973377,2010-01至2012-12,主持
7. 福建省重大专项专题项目,2020YZ016002,2020-08至2023-08,主持
8. 广东省自然科学基金团队项目,2016A030312008,2016-06至2021-06,主持
1. 教育部“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授,2011年
2. “国家特支计划”杰出人才,2016年
3. 国务院颁发政府特殊津贴证书,2013年
4. “新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选,2009年
5. 福建省引进高层次人才A类,2021年
6. 2020年福建省引进高层次创新人才,2020年
7. 福建省2016-2017年高校领军人才,2018年
8. 2015年“广东特支计划”杰出人才(南粤百杰)人选,2016年
9. 中国抗癌协会科技奖二等奖,2020年
10. 2019年度辽宁省科学技术进步奖二等奖,2019年
11. 2016年度广东省科学技术三等奖,2017年
12. 2020年度厦门市科学技术进步奖二等奖,2020年
13. 厦门市引进高层次人才“双百计划”海外高层次人才,2019年
14. 厦门市高层次卫生领军人才,2018年
1. Gao YY*, Yang RQ*, Lou KL, Dang YY, Dong YY, He YY, Huang WH, Chen M, Zhang GJ#. In vivo visualization of fluorescence reflecting CDK4 activity in a breast cancer mouse model. MedComm (2020). 2022 Jun 10;3(3):e136.
2. Lou KL*, Wang PY*, Yang RQ*, Gao YY, Tian HN, Dang YY, Li Y, Huang WH, Min-Chen, Liu XL#, Zhang GJ#. Fabrication of tumor targeting rare-earth nanocrystals for real-time NIR-IIb fluorescence imaging-guided breast cancer precise surgery. Nanomedicine. 2022 Apr 4:102555.
3. Yang RQ, Chen M, Zhang Q, Gao YY, Lou KL, Lin TT, Huang WH, Zeng YZ, Zhang YQ, Dang YY, Ren L#, Zhang GJ#. Development and Preclinical Evaluation of a Near-Infrared Fluorescence Probe Based on Tailored Hepatitis B Core Particles for Imaging-Guided Surgery in Breast Cancer. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2022 Mar 22;17:1343-1360.
4. Yang RQ*, Wang PY*, Lou KL, Dang YY, Tian HN, Li Y, Gao YY, Huang WH, Zhang YQ, Liu XL#, Zhang GJ#. Biodegradable Nanoprobe for NIR-II Fluorescence Image-Guided Surgery and Enhanced Breast Cancer Radiotherapy Efficacy. Advance Science. 2022 Feb 16: e2104728.
5. Liu JJ*, Wang Z*, Nie LM, Zhu YY, Li G, Lin LL, Chen M#, Zhang GJ#. RGD-functionalised melanin nanoparticles for intraoperative photoacoustic imaging-guided breast cancer surgery. European Journal Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. 2022 Feb;49(3):847-860.
6. Wang Z, Chen M, Liu JJ, Chen RH, Yu Q, Wang GM, Nie LM#, Huang WH#, Zhang GJ#. Human Serum Albumin Decorated Indocyanine Green Improves Fluorescence-Guided Resection of Residual Lesions of Breast Cancer in Mice. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021 Mar 8;11:614050.
7. Zhang YQ, Zhang F, Zeng YZ, Chen M, Huang WH, Wu JD, Chen WL, Gao WL, Bai JW, Yang RQ, Zeng HC, Wei XL#, Zhang GJ#. Mutant p53 and Twist1 Co-expression Predicts Poor Prognosis and Is an Independent Prognostic Factor in Breast Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology. 2021 Jun 24;11:628814.
8. Zhang YQ, Liang YK, Wu Y, Chen M, Chen WL, Li RH, Zeng YZ, Huang WH, Wu JD, Zeng D, Gao WL, Chen CF, Lin HY, Yang RQ, Zhu JW, Liu WL, Bai JW, Wei M, Wei XL#, Zhang GJ#. Notch3 inhibits cell proliferation and tumorigenesis and predicts better prognosis in breast cancer through transactivating PTEN. Cell Death & Disease. 2021 May 18;12(6):502.
9. Guo CP*, Guo YX*, Liu JJ, Gao YY, Wei M, Zhao RJ, Chen M#, Zhang GJ#. The G1 phase optical reporter serves as a sensor of CDK4/6 inhibition in vivo. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021 Jan 31;17(3):728-741.
10. Yang RQ*, Lou KL*, Wang PY*, Gao YY, Zhang YQ, Chen M, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Surgical Navigation for Malignancies Guided by Near-Infrared-II Fluorescence Imaging. Small Methods. 2021 Mar;5(3):e2001066.
11. Wei M*, Bai JW*, Niu L, Zhang YQ, Chen HY, Zhang GJ#. The Complex Roles and Therapeutic Implications of m(6)A Modifications in Breast Cancer. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 2021 Jan 11;8:615071.
12. Wu Y, Yuan MH, Wu HT, Chen WJ, Zhang ML, Ye QQ, Liu J#, Zhang GJ#. MicroRNA-488 inhibits proliferation and motility of tumor cells via downregulating FSCN1, modulated by Notch3 in breast carcinomas. Cell Death & Disease. 2020 Oct 24;11(10):912.
13. Wu JD*, Wang Z*, Zeng HC, He LF, Zhang YQ, Huang GS, Zhang F, Wei XL, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Comparison of indocyanine green and methylene blue use for axillary reverse mapping during axillary lymphnode dissection. MedComm. 2020 Sep 17;1(2):211-218.
14. Fang CB, Wu HT, Zhang ML, Liu J#, Zhang GJ#. Fanconi anemia pathway: mechanisms of breast cancer predisposition development and potential therapeutic targets. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2020 Apr 2;8:160.
15. Zeng D, Liang YK, Xiao YS, Wei XL, Lin HY, Wu Y, Bai JW, Chen M, Zhang GJ#. Inhibition of Notch1 reverses EMT and chemoresistance to cisplatin via direct downregulation of MCAM in triple-negative breast cancer cells. International Journal of Cancer. 2020 Jul 15;147(2):490-504.
16. Bai JW*, Wei M*, Li JW, Zhang GJ#. Notch signaling pathway and endocrine resistance in breast cancer. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020 Jun 19;11:924.
17. Zhang YQ, Chen WL, Zhang F, Wei XL, Zeng D, Liang YK, Wu JD, Zhang LY, Guo CP, Zeng HC, Hao SS, Li RH, Huang WH#, Zhang GJ#. Over expression of both VEGF C and twist predicts poor prognosis in human breast cancer. Clinical and Translational Oncology. 2019 Sep;21(9):1250-1259.
18. Li MF, Qi YZ, Chen M, Wang Z, Zeng D, Xiao YS, Li SZ, Lin HY, Wei XL, Zhang GJ#. GATA binding protein 3 boosts extracellular ATP hydrolysis and inhibits metastasis of breast cancer by up-regulating ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2019 Sep 7;15(12):2522-2537.
19. Zeng HC, Hu JL, Bai JW, Zhang GJ#. Detection of sentinel lymph nodes with near-infrared imaging in malignancies. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 2019 Apr;21(2):219-227.
20. Chen CF, Zhang YL, Huang ZY, Wu JD, Huang WH#, Zhang GJ#. Decrease in the Ki67 index during neoadjuvant chemotherapy predicts favorable relapse-free survival in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Cancer Biology & Medicine. 2019 Aug;16(3):575-586.
21. Xu JZ*#, Shao CC*, Wang XJ*, Zhao X, Chen JQ, Ouyang YX, Feng J, Zhang F, Huang WH, Ying Q, Chen CF, Wei XL, Dong HY, Zhang GJ#, Chen M#. circTADA2As suppress breast cancer progression and metastasis via targeting miR-203a-3p/SOCS3 axis. Cell Death & Disease. 2019 Feb 20;10(3):175.
22. Xiao YS, Zeng D, Liang YK, Wu Y, Li MF, Qi YZ, Wei XL, Huang WH, Chen M, Zhang GJ#. Major vault protein is a direct target of Notch1 signaling and contributes to chemoresistance in triple-negative breast cancer cells. Cancer Letters. 2019 Jan;440-441:156-167.
23. Shen JX, Liu J#, Zhang GJ#. Interleukin-33 in malignancies: friends or foes? Frontiers in Immunology. 2018 Dec 20;9:3051.
24. Li RH, Chen M, Liu J, Shao CC, Guo CP, Wei XL, Li YC, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Long noncoding RNA ATB promotes the epithelial-mesenchymal transition by upregulating the miR-200c/Twist1 axe and predicts poor prognosis in breast cancer. Cell Death & Disease. 2018 Dec 5;9(12):1171.
25. Wen XF*, Chen M*, Wu Y, Chen MN, Glogowska A, Klonisch T#, Zhang GJ#. Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition via up-regulation of Notch3 in breast cancer. Translational Oncology. 2018 Oct;11(5):1259-1270.
26. Liu J, Shen JX, He, Zhang GJ#. Bioluminescence imaging for monitoring miR-200c expression in breast cancer cells and its effects on epithelial-mesenchymal transition progress in living animals. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 2018 Oct;20(5):761-770.
27. Wu JD*, Hong CQ*, Huang WH, Wei XL, Zhang F, Zhuang YX, Zhang YQ, Zhang GJ#. L1 Cell Adhesion Molecule and Its Soluble Form sL1 Exhibit Poor Prognosis in Primary Breast Cancer Patients. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2018 Oct;18(5):e851-e861.
28. Lin HY, Liang YK, Dou XW, Chen CF, Wei XL, Zeng, Bai JW, Guo YX, Lin FF, Huang WH, Du CW, Li YC, Chen M#, Zhang GJ#. Notch3 inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition in breast cancer via a novel mechanism, upregulation of GATA-3 expression. Oncogenesis. 2018 Aug 13;7(8):59.
29. Liang YK*, Lin HY*, Dou XW, Chen M, Wei XL, Zhang YQ, Wu Y, Chen CF, Bai JW, Xiao YS, Qi YZ, Kruyt FAE, Zhang GJ#. MiR-221/222 promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting Notch3 in breast cancer cell lines. NPJ Breast Cancer. 2018 Aug 6;4:20.
30. Wang JW*, Wei XL*, Dou XW, Huang WH, Du CW, Zhang GJ#. The association between Notch4 expression, and clinicopathological characteristics and clinical outcomes in patients with breast cancer. Oncology Letters. 2018 Jun;15(6):8749-8755.
31. Liu J, Shen JX, Wu HT, Li XL, Wen XF, Du CW, Zhang GJ#. Collagen 1A1 (COL1A1) promotes metastasis of breast cancer and is a potential therapeutic target. Discovery Medicine. 2018 May;25(139):211-223.
32. He LF*, Xu HW*, Chen M*, Xian ZR, Wen XF, Chen MN, Du CW, Huang WH, Wu JD, Zhang GJ#. Activated-PAK4 predicts worse prognosis in breast cancer and promotes tumorigenesis through activation of PI3K/AKT signaling. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 14;8(11):17573-17585.
33. Bai JW, Zhang YQ, Li YC, Zhang GJ#. Analysis of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition Induced by Overexpression of Twist. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2017;1652:259-274.
34. Liang YK*, Zeng D*, Xiao YS, Wu Y, Ouyang YX, Chen M, Li YC, Lin HY, Wei XL, Zhang YQ, Kruyt FAE#, Zhang GJ#. MCAM/CD146 promotes tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells through induction of epithelial-mesenchymal transition, decreased ERα expression and AKT activation. Cancer Letters. 2017 Feb 1;386:65-76.
35. Bai JW, Li YC, Zhang GJ#. Cell cycle regulation and anticancer drug discovery. Cancer Biology & Medicine. 2017 Nov;14(4):348-362.
36. Dou XW*, Liang YK*, Lin HY, Wei XL, Zhang YQ, Bai JW, Chen CF, Chen M, Du CW, Li YC, Tian J, Man K, Zhang GJ#. Notch3 Maintains Luminal Phenotype and Suppresses Tumorigenesis and Metastasis of Breast Cancer via Trans-Activating Estrogen Receptor-α. Theranostics. 2017 Sep 20;7(16):4041-4056.
37. Bai JW, Chen MN, Wei XL, Li YC, Lin HY, Chen M, Li JW, Du CW, Man K, Zhang GJ#. The zinc-finger transcriptional factor slug transcriptionally down-regulates ERα by recruiting lysine-specific demethylase 1 in human breast cancer. Oncogenesis. 2017 May 8;6(5):e330.
38. Li RH, Huang WH, Wu JD, Du CW, Zhang GJ#. EGFR expression is associated with cytoplasmic staining of CXCR4 and predicts poor prognosis in triple-negative breast carcinoma. Oncology Letters. 2017 Feb;13(2):695-703.
39. He KS*, Chi CW*, Kou DQ*, Huang WH, Wu JD, Wang YB, He LF, Ye JZ, Mao YM, Zhang GJ#, Wang JD#, Tian J#. Comparison between the indocyanine green fluorescence and blue dye methods for sentinel lymph node biopsy using novel fluorescence image-guided resection equipment in different types of hospitals. Translational Research. 2016 Dec;178:74-80.
40. Zhang XX, Liu X, Luo J, Xiao W, Ye X, Chen M, Li YC#, Zhang GJ#. Notch3 inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition by activating Kibra-mediated Hippo/YAP signaling in breast cancer epithelial cells. Oncogenesis. 2016 Nov 14;5(11):e269.
41. Liu J*, Shen JX*, Wen XF, Guo YX, Zhang GJ#. Targeting Notch degradation system provides promise for breast cancer therapeutics. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology. 2016 Aug;104:21-9.
42. Wu JD, Huang WH, Qiu SQ, He LF, Guo CP, Zhang YQ, Zhang F, Zhang GJ#. Breast reconstruction with single-pedicle TRAM flap in breast cancer patients with low midline abdominal scar. Scientific Reports. 2016 Jul 13;6:29580.
43. Qiu SQ*, Zeng HC*, Zhang F, Chen C, Huang WH, Pleijhuis RG, Wu JD, van Dam GM, Zhang GJ#. A nomogram to predict the probability of axillary lymph node metastasis in early breast cancer patients with positive axillary ultrasound. Scientific Reports. 2016 Feb 15;6:21196.
44. Chen CF, Dou XW, Liang YK, Lin HY, Bai JW, Zhang XX, Wei XL, Li YC, Zhang GJ#. Notch3 overexpression causes arrest of cell cycle progression by inducing Cdh1 expression in human breast cancer cells. Cell Cycle. 2016;15(3):432-40.
45. Wei XL, Dou XW, Bai JW, Luo XR, Qiu SQ, Xi DD, Huang WH, Du CW, Man K, Zhang GJ#. ERα inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition by suppressing Bmi1 in breast cancer. Oncotarget. 2015 Aug 28;6(25):21704-17.
46. Zhang YQ*, Wei XL*, Liang YK, Chen WL, Zhang F, Bai JW, Qiu SQ, Du CW, Huang WH#, Zhang GJ#. Over-expressed twist associates with markers of epithelial mesenchymal transition and predicts poor prognosis in breast cancers via ERK and Akt activation. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 21;10(8):e0135851.
47. He DE, Bai JW, Liu J, DU CW, Huang WH#, Zhang GJ#. Clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of breast cancer patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Molecular and Clinical Oncology. 2015 May;3(3):607-612.
48. Li YK#, Zheng Y, Lin JB, Xu GX, Cai AQ, Zhou XG, Zhang GJ#. CT imaging of ovarian yolk sac tumor with emphasis on differential diagnosis. Scientific Reports. 2015 Jun 15;5:11000.
49. Fu XJ*, Shi XJ*, Lin K, Lin H, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#, Au WW#. Environmental and DNA repair risk factors for breast cancer in south China. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2015 May;218(3):313-8.
50. Wei XL, Chen CF, Xi DD, Bai JW, Huang WH, Luo LX, Wu MY, Zhang GJ#. A case of primary neuroendocrine breast carcinoma that responded to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Frontiers of Medicine. 2015 Mar;9(1):112-6.
51. Liang SX*, Peng X*, Li XL, Yang P, Xie LH, Li YC, Du CW#, Zhang GJ#. Silencing of CXCR4 sensitizes triple-negative breast cancer cells to cisplatin. Oncotarget. 2015 Jan 20;6(2):1020-30.
52. Wei XL, Zhang DH#, Dou XW, Niu N, Bai JW, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Elevated 14, 15- epoxyeicosatrienoic acid by increasing of cytochrome P450 2C8, 2C9 and 2J2 and decreasing of soluble epoxide hydrolase associated with aggressiveness of human breast cancer. BMC Cancer. 2014 Nov 18;14:841.
53. Huang WH, Qiu SQ, Wu JD, Du CW, Cui YK, Zhang GJ#. Analysis of clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis of 1425 primary breast cancer patients in eastern Guangdong, China. Current Signal Transduction Therapy. 2014 Nov 14; 9(1): 44-9.
54. Liu J*, Shen JX*, Hu JL*, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#. Significance of interleukin-33 and its related cytokines in patients with breast cancers. Frontiers in Immunology. 2014 Apr 7;5:141.
55. Wei JT, Huang WH, Du CW, QIU SQ, Wei XL, Liu J, Zhang GJ#. Clinicopathological features and prognostic factors of young breast cancers in eastern Guangdong of China. Scientific Reports. 2014 Jun 19;4:5360.
56. Yang P, Liang SX, Huang WH, Zhang HW, Li XL, Xie LH, Du CW#, Zhang GJ#. Aberrant expression of CXCR4 significantly contributes to metastasis and predicts poor clinical outcome in breast cancer. Current Molecular Medicine. 2014 Jan;14(1):174-84.
57. Chi CW, Ye JZ, Ding HL, He D, Huang WH, Zhang GJ#, Tian J#. Use of indocyanine green for detecting the sentinel lymph node in breast cancer patients: From preclinical evaluation to clinical validation. PLoS one. 2013 Dec 16;8(12):e83927.
58. Wu JD, Huang WH, Huang ZY, Chen M, Zhang GJ#. Brachial plexus palsy after a left-side modified radical mastectomy with immediate latissimusdorsi flap reconstruction: report of a case. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 2013 Oct 15;11:276.
59. Chen SF, Du CW#, Yang P, Zhang HW, Man K, Zhang GJ#. The molecular and clinicopathologic characteristics of bilateral breast cancer. Scientific Reports. 2013;3:2590.
60. Qiu SQ, Wei XL, Huang WH, Wu MY, Qin YS, Li YK, Zhang GJ#. Diagnostic and therapeutic strategy and the most efficient prognostic factors of breast malignant fibrous histiocytoma. Scientific Reports. 2013;3:2529.
61. Yang P, Du CW#, Man K, Liang SX, Zhang GJ#. The impact of p53 in predicting clinical outcome of breast cancer patients with visceral metastasis. Scientific Reports. 2013;3:2246.
62. Zhang GJ#, Chen TB, Joseph D, Tao WK, Vanko A, Connolly B, David L. Williams J, Cyrille S. Visualization of mitotic arrest of cell cycle with bioluminescence imaging in living animals. Molecular Imaging and Biology. 2013 Aug;15(4):431-40.
63. Chen M, Cui YK, Huang WH, Man K, Zhang GJ#. Phosphorylation of estrogen receptor α at serine 118 is correlated with breast cancer resistance to tamoxifen. Oncology Letters. 2013 Jul;6(1):118-124.
64. Xu HW, Huang YJ, Xie ZY#, Lin L, Guo YC, Zhuang ZR, Lin XP, Zhou W, Mu L, Huang HH, Wei XL, Man K, Zhang GJ#. The expression of cytoglobin as a prognostic factor in gliomas:a retrospective analysis of 88 patients. BMC Cancer. 2013 May 20;13:247.
65. Chen HW, Du CW, Wei XL, US Khoo, Zhang GJ#. Cytoplasmic CXCR4 high-expression exhibits distinct poor clinicopathological characteristics and predicts poor prognosis in triple-negative breast cancers. Current Molecular Medicine. 2013 Mar;13(3):410-6.
66. Chen ZH, Zhao RJ, Li RH, Guo CP, Zhang GJ#. Bioluminescence imaging of DNA synthetic phase of cell cycle in living animals. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53291.
67. Liu J, Wei XL, Huang WH, Chen CF, Bai JW, Zhang GJ#. Cytoplasmic Skp2 expression is associated with p-Akt1and predicts poor prognosis in human breast carcinomas. PLoS One. 2012;7(12):e52675.
68. Du CW, Kimijima I, Otake T, Abe R, Takenoshita S, Zhang GJ#. Down-regulation of p73 correlates with high histological grade in Japanese with breast carcinomas. Chinese Medical Journal. 2011 Aug;124(15):2275-8.
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84. 陈敏,林琳玲,何悦洋,杜智铖,张国君#. 光学分子影像技术在药物疗效评估和乳腺癌外科手术导航中的应用进展. 厦门大学学报(自然科学版). 2021(02),315-326.
85. 戚玉竹,刘静#,张国君#. 核苷酸酶CD73在恶性肿瘤中作用和调控机制的研究进展. 癌变·畸变·突变. 2020,32(5): 398-401.
86. 袁颖,张国君#,黄文河. 乳房植入体相关性间变性大细胞淋巴瘤的诊疗策略.肿瘤学杂志. 2019,25(7): 663-8.
87. 陈伟玲,张永渠,李瑶琛,Min Chen,黄文河,张国君#. Notch和Wnt信号通路及两者的交叉串话与乳腺癌发生、发展的关系. 中华乳腺病杂志. 2019,13(4): 245-8.
88. 李少钟,刘静#,张国君#. PARP抑制剂在BRCA胚系突变乳腺癌治疗中作用的研究进展. 中国普外基础与临床杂志. 2019,26(06): 748-52.
89. 叶娴,郭翠萍,张国君#. 基于全基因组关联研究的乳腺癌预后预测研究现状. 中华乳腺病杂志. 2019,13(4): 239-41.
90. 沈家欣,刘静,陈鸿雁,张国君#. RNA干扰高通量筛选技术在乳腺癌研究领域的应用. 中华实验外科杂志. 2017,34(4): 713-6.
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